I have been thinking a lot lately about becoming your own hero. There was a time when I searched into the eyes of everyone I met to see if they could save me from my pain until I finally figured out that, even those who tried to be the hero I was searching for, no one could heal my pain but myself. I realized that I had to become my own hero!
A hero is someone who has inner strength and shows great courage in order to face the challenges that lie in front of them. They stand up for what they believe in and have the necessary discipline to make themselves do uncomfortable things. I had these qualities, but what I needed to learn was the softer qualities of a hero, like how to nurture myself, how to surrender to a will greater than my own and how to simply be with what is.
These qualities I continue to learn through yoga. Yoga has helped me refine my ability to discipline myself, has helped me remember how to nurture myself, and taught me how to surrender. I am still learning how to just be. How to just be with myself and others, without trying to fix or change anything; how to appreciate and love the life I am living right now; and how to love myself, just as I am in this moment. I am learning to love the journey, even when it is not the way I would like it to be because no matter what happens, I am the hero of my story and this means I have some say in how my story ends. And so do you!