I offer nature coaching sessions outdoors because when we immerse ourselves in the natural world, we create space for greater insights. Nature invites us to slow down, reconnect with our true essence, and remember that we are also nature and have everything we need to thrive. When you choose nature coaching, I will guide you to rediscover the wisdom and clarity that are already within you.

As your coach, it is my goal to help you discover the, often subconscious, patterns holding you back so that you can begin to transform them into new patterns that will support the life you want to live.

As a life-long student of personal growth, I am familiar with the challenges of true transformation and can offer tools and lessons from my own journey to point you in the right direction, when needed.

Step into your future!

Step into your future!

Email Julie today to schedule a 20-minute call to design a custom package that is right for you!

A typical 6-session coaching package is $555.

Packages that include personalized Qoya rituals, yoga, vision boards, etc. are an additional cost.