During the summer my yoga teacher talked about the feature photo for this post in a yoga class and it really spoke to me, because I know if my heart had not been broken so many times, I may not have the level of peace I now experience, even when things aren’t perfect. I have come to recognize that no matter where life takes me (us), the ups and downs balance out and we end up exactly where we are meant to be and possibly in places that are more beautiful than we could have imagined when we started the journey.
I share my introspections with you so that you will know that you too can be struggling and still find beauty around you, despite your pain. You can hold both fear and hope in your heart. You can be sad and joyous. Instead of striving for happiness, I am striving to be whole which means holding both the darkness and the light while I take the next best step.
Now it is your turn to check in with your heart. I find this easiest to do by placing my hands on my heart, closing my eyes, and tuning into my breath. What is your heart yearning for? Are you satisfied with how things are going in your life or does your heart yearn for more? And if so, what is it yearning for?
My hope for you is that you will make time to go inward and listen to your heart because I believe the heart knows what we need to heal ourselves and the planet. When one heals, we all heal.